SETA La Viña Committee



Alternate Chair:

Elias L.   



Committee Meetings

Los 4 comites hispanos se reunen el ultimo jueves de cada mes
 rotavimante una vez en cada distrito a partir de las 8:00 pm

The 4 Hispanic committees meet on the last Thursday of each month
 rotating once in each district starting at 8:00 pm



Distrito #63      4800 W 34 St. - Suite B8, Houston TX  77092


         Distrito #64      1215 Aldine Bender - Suite 101, Houston TX  77032


  Distrito #65      1721 South Houston Rd., Pasadena, TX  77502


Distrito #66      5645 Hilcroft - Suite 301, Houston TX   77063



Reuniones trimestrales están a la Asamblea SETA el sábado a las 4:30 PM

Quarterly meetings are at the SETA Assembly on Saturday at 4:30 PM



La Viña Chair Job Description

Este comité coordina el trabajo de los miembros individuales de AA, los grupos y los distritos de leer, suscribirse y utilizar La Viña y materiales producidos por La Viña.  También anima a los miembros individuales de AA contribuir material escrito para el La Viña para su publicación.

This committee coordinates the work of individual AA members, groups, and districts to read, subscribe to and utilize La Viña and La Viña-produced materials.  It also encourages individual AA members to contribute written material to the La Viña for publication.


La Viña sitio web

Participe en el Servicio de La Viña


Grapevine Website

Actas de la reunión del Comité





This page is part of the "Official" Website of the Southeast Texas Area of Alcoholics Anonymous, Area 67. This site is not endorsed nor approved by Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. or any internet service provider. It is an AA service solely provided by the Southeast Texas Area Assembly. Links to web pages external to this site and event notices for non-SETA events are supplied for information only and do not imply any affiliation with the Southeast Texas Area Assembly or Alcoholics Anonymous. No copyrighted material shall be purposefully posted herein without the express permission of those individuals or institutions owning the relevant copyrights. Alcoholics Anonymous®, AA®, and the Big Book® are registered trademarks of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. The Grapevine® and AA Grapevine® are registered trademarks of The AA Grapevine, Inc.

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Site Last Updated: Thursday January 09 2025


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